Монтажный клей TITEBOND Multi-Purpose Титебонд красная изображения
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Ideal for: It provides exceptional gap filling properties developing a bond stronger than the wood itself.
Dries clear.
Extremely fast set.
Bonds stronger than wood.
Visible under black light.
Interior use only.
Excellent sandability.
Easy clean-up with water, non-toxic.
Titebond II Premium has been our #1 selling wood glue over the last several years. It is ideal for interior woodworking, but is also excellent for many outdoor projects. In fact, it passes the ANSI/HPVA Type II water-resistance specification.
Titebond Original Wood Glue is the industry standard for woodworking. It provides a strong initial tack and fast speed of set to reduce clamp time. It also develops a bond stronger than the wood itself, offers excellent sandability and is unaffected by finishes.
Titebond goes off a bit faster, is more moisture resistant and when set is much harder. Even when fully cured pva has a bit of springiness to it so you can get a bit of movement, especially if your joint isn't perfect.
Клей монтажный Titebond Multi Purpose многоцелевой фотки