Poly Profile is an unofficial transcript of your quarterly coursework and the grades you've earned.
develops, manufactures, and markets a line of video, voice, data, and web conferencing collaboration solutions. The Company provides enterprise video and voice communications end-points, network infrastructure, management products, product maintenance, and other professional services.
“many. poly– A prefix meaning “many,” as in polygon, a figure having many sides. In chemistry, it is used to form the names of polymers by being attached to the name of the base unit of which the polymer is made, as in polysaccharide, a polymer made of repeating simple sugars (monosaccharides).
A Polycom is a professional video conferencing system that is used to make video calls between two or more locations with compatible video conferenc- ing equipment.
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POLY PROFILE Подставка для кресла-качалки ,9000см фотографии